Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to clean your silver articles

What you'll require:
1. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda powder)
2. Sodium chloride (common salt)
3. Aluminium pan

What to do:
Place the silver articles to be cleaned in an aluminium pan in such a manner that each article touches the pan. Cover these with hot solution containing one tea-spoonful of Sodium bicarbonate (the baking soda) and another of Sodium chloride(salt, NaCl) per 250 ml. of water. After a few minutes, remove the articles, rinse and polish with a soft cloth.

What happens:
Touching the aluminium and surrounded by the electrolyte the silver article forms one plate(electrode) of an electric cell. By action of this cell, the tarnish of Silver sulphide is dissolved, the sulphur is separated and the silver is redeposited.

Next post: Homemade carbide lamp (acetylene lamp)
Previous post: Make Your Own Matches - Common and Colored

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